Arganmer Blog
10 Steps to Grow Your Hair Faster and Stronger
Long hair is beautiful and enviable to look at and is something that even you can have if you follow these 10 steps that will help your hair grow stronger. Stronger hair, as the pros tell us, also grows faster.
1. Cut your hair often
Cutting your hair often may seem like a paradox if you are trying to grow it, but it’s the only way to ensure that your hair grows faster. The reason for this is that split ends can make your hair look dull, frizzy and also causes strands to break, shortening the hair. If you are growing your hair, get it trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks.
2. Eat healthily or take supplements
Hair strength does not depend on what you are feeding it from the outside, but what you are feeding your body. Proteins are vital for healthier hair, so up your intake of beans, nuts, and whole grains if you are vegan or vegetarian, and also add fish, chicken and meat if you are not.
Besides proteins, the body needs vitamins A, C, and E, zinc, iron and omega-3 fatty acids if you are to have healthier hair. Ideally, you should be getting all these from your food intake, but if your body is low on any of these then take a good supplement.
3. Less washing is more
Instead of shampooing your hair on a daily basis, rather only wash it 2 to 3 times a week. This allows the natural oils to penetrate the hair and these offer the hydration that your hair needs to repair any damage.
4. Your hair’s natural oils are vital
Since your hair’s natural oils are so good at nourishing and repairing it, then take advantage of it. You can do this by brushing your hair every night before bedtime. The best brush for this is a boar bristle one and it increases circulation of the scalp as you brush your scalp distributing the oils evenly.
5. Your hair loves silk
Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is the best thing you can do for your hair since it prevents it from tangling and breaking.
6. Stay away from the chemicals
Chemical treatments like bleaching damage the hair cuticle and cause it to split and break. The less such treatments you have, the faster you will grow your hair.
7. Style with care
Most styling tools use heat which tends to damage your hair. If you must heat style then decrease the temperature and protect your hair with a styling product to protect it.
8. Hot water is not your hair’s best friend
Not only is hot water bad for the skin, but also for the hair. Keep the water just warm for a wash and always give your hair a cooler final rinse. This seals the cuticle and strengthens the hair.
9. Wet hair is fragile
It’s best not to brush wet hair, but if you must do it gently, starting from the ends and gradually working up to the roots. Buy a proper brush for this or use a wide-toothed comb.
10. Use good hair products
Good hair products with nurturing ingredients leave the hair feeling hydrated enough without clogging the follicles and prohibiting growth. Arganmer has the right combination of shampoo, conditioner, and oils to protect your hair as you grow it longer.
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